ibbo, Neapl, Schulraumförderung, Bildung, Schweiz, St.Gallen, Felix Rütsche, Brigitte Siegwart, Andreas Rütsche, Raphael Büsser, Andreas Keller, Entwicklungshilfe, Schule, schenke bildung, schaffe zukunft, Schülerförderung, Volunteers, Christoph Waser, international blackboard organisation, ibbo.ch, Infos über nepal, charityshop, dramcatcher, Spenden
Our donation projects are based on the idea to win with little money as much as possible. Just for CHF 40 you can guarantee a school bench with table for 3 children or for CHF 150 the school attendance for a child during one year. Or you decide to support a large class room program or the adult education programs.
Then you are here exactly right.
There is the possibility to transact a donation for the following ranges:
Of course it is also possible to transact a donation without certain purpose. We will find a suitable use for you and will meaningfully use your donation.
• by deposit on our account:
Raiffeisenbank St. Gallen, IBAN CH73 8000 5000 0501 2624 8
Child aid fund: Raiffeisen bank Unteres Rheintal, IBBO account 32926,26, Cl-NR. 81295
• Visit us in dreamcatchershop at the Gallusstrasse 18 St.
• Barbel payment at one of our statuses of information at coming
• Take up contact directly to us.
We are pleased to win you as donors or to realize in your name a project.