ibbo, Neapl, Schulraumförderung, Bildung, Schweiz, St.Gallen, Felix Rütsche, Brigitte Siegwart, Andreas Rütsche, Raphael Büsser, Andreas Keller, Entwicklungshilfe, Schule, schenke bildung, schaffe zukunft, Schülerförderung, Volunteers, Christoph Waser, international blackboard organisation, ibbo.ch, Infos über nepal, charityshop, dramcatcher, Spenden
The statutes of the “International Blackboard Organisation”
1.Name and place of business
Art. 1
The International Blackboard Organization, hereinafter called ibbo,
founded on April 17th 2005, is a political and confessional neutral association
referred to in article 60ff of the Swiss Civil Code (CC) based in St. Gallen,
2. purpose
Art. 2
The association supports the infrastructures of schools through
donations and thus facilitates the running of the schools.
a) ibbo solely
supports schools on which help is needed in all conscience and which are
approved by the board.
b) ibbo is obligated to provide the necessary
information about how the donations are being used.
c) ibbo is mainly
looking for public children schools for the donation projects. Exceptions can be
approved by the board.
Art. 2.1
In individual cases, ibbo is allowed to support single
persons with donations. The beneficiary must not exceed the age of 20 years.
Reasons for need of support are:
a) An educational backlog
b) The expenses for a public school cannot be
Art. 3
The association organizes and arranges deployments
a) Are directly connected to the projects supported
by ibbo
b) Are beyond the projects supported by ibbo
Art. 4
The association organizes theme nights and presentations on demand.
A contribution towards the expenses can be charged.
Art. 5
The association is allowed to maintain contact with political
parties or nations, as far as it serves Art. 2 of these statutes.
3. Membership
Art. 6
The following two membership categories are
a) Active
b) Passive
Art. 7
Anyone who acknowledges the association’s statutes can become a
member. The board decides whether an active member will be accepted or
not. Minors cannot become active members.
Art. 8
An annual membership fee of $ 30.00 is being charged by the
association. This fee can be redefined at the general meeting.
Art. 9
Members, who violate the statutes or harm the association’s image
can be excluded by the board.
4. Organization
Art. 10
The organs of the association are:
a) The
general meeting
b) The board
c) The
Art. 11
The supreme body is the general meeting. It is lead by the
Art. 11.1
The voting right is given to all members at the general meeting.
Active members are eligible to stand for election in the board or in the
Art. 11.2
The general meeting is quorate when all members of the board are
Art. 11.3
The annual general meeting takes place in the first quarter of
the year.
The convocation is issued in writing through the board, three weeks
before the scheduled date and including the agenda items.
Art. 11.4
The annual general meeting solely enacts the following
a) Acceptance and approval of the annual
report and the annual financial statement after notice of the audit
b) Election of the Chairman, the board and the
c) Determination of the annual fee of the passive
d) Approval of next year’s
e) Amendment of the articles and requests from the
members of the board
Art. 11.5
Requests from members have to be issued in writing to the board
two weeks prior to the general meeting.
Art. 11.6
An extraordinary general meeting can be convened at any time if
demanded by important association business.
Art. 12
The board is composed of:
a) The
b) The vice-chairman
d) Treasurer
e) Owner
Art. 12.1
The members of the board are being elected for two years.
Reelections are possible unlimitedly, the age limit though is 70.
Art. 12.2
The board constitutes itself, presided over by the
a) Resignations have to be submitted to the
chairman two months prior to the end of the end of the year
b) Except for the chairman, members who are
withdrawn from their position during their term of office can be replaced by the
board. The provisionally appointed members have to be confirmed at the next
general meeting.
Art. 12.3
The board is obligated convene board meetings on a regular
basis. In order for a board meeting to be quorate, at least three members of the
board have to participate. The meeting have to be minuted.
Art. 12.4
The obligations and competences of the board
a) Management of the statutes and execution of the
decision made at the general meeting
b) Decision-making of
matters concerning the association which are not particularly matters of the
general meeting
c) Election of the active
d) Review of the placing of orders of the
e) Publication of the projects and guarantee of
the correct use of donations
f) Management of the
association’s funds
g) Representation of the
h) Convocation of the general meeting
Art. 12.5
The association is capable of acting through the signatures of
two members of the board.
Art. 13
The auditors control the treasurer’s work. They examine the annual
financial statement of the association. For the general meeting, they issue a
report and publish it as far as practicable for the donors.
Art. 13.1
Two Auditors are being elected for two years by the general
Art. 14
For the association’s liabilities, solely the association’s funds
are liable for.
Art. 15
The association’s year starts on January 1st and
ends on December 31st.
Art. 16
The association is capable of keeping special funds and
Art. 16.1
The association is allowed to keep reserves. Only secure
financial assets have to be chosen. Speculative trades are prohibited. Apart
from that, the common investment policies apply as per BVG (professional pension
plan-, surviving dependants- and disability provision)
Art. 16.2
The association is a non-profit organization. In order to serve
the purpose, donations and fees are being received and used, specifically for
aid projects mentioned in Art. 2. Contributions towards costs can be paid to
active members.
Art. 17
The usage of donations has to be reasonable.
Final clauses
Art. 18
If decided by a three-quarter majority of the general meeting, the
association can be dissolved.
Art. 18.1
In case of dissolution, the association’s funds will either be
invested in current projects or given to a different organization with a similar
purpose as per Art. 2.
St. Gallen, April 29 2005