There are still many children in the world, whose opportunities are smaller
in the future, because they enjoy no or only a small education. In which we
promote the schools, we invest into the future of the children. Madagascar
belongs to the income-weakest countries of the earth. Incomes are not enough for
their survive. That is not exceptionel. Northeast the capital Antananarivo, in
the region Analanjorofo close of the city Vavatenina we start our first project
with the school in Ampasina Ambohibe. At present 425 children visit the school,
90% of them are girls. We estimate the number of children, those for financial
reasons misses classes, over 100 children in the Environment. The average family
income in the region is 240 CHF per year. Although the school teaching is
technically free, expenditures for parents accumulate annually CHF 40. These
expenditures cannot be paid by some of the parents with the difficult economic
conditions in the region. Beside new school building we attach importance to an
appropriate facility. According our guiding principle each student should have a
place in the classroom and the teaching person an instruction blackboards
up-to-date. We compile projects in close co-operation with the responsible
authorities. Our projects manager guarantee that the work is implemented from
native craftsmen to real conditions. Thanks to the contacts in Madagascar the
projects are optimally accompanied. Our project partners guarantee a full-extent
conversion of the donations to the work. Close co-operation with the local trade
brings work into remote places and supports the local economy. In June 2015
Klaus Horn and its family flew to Madagskar and determined with a building
firm the exact situation of the first building and gave the starting signal for
the toilet building.
Ibbo in cooperation with the Horn
Project management Madagaskar, Family
Horn-Razafindratsimba, Oltingerstrasse 21 , 4055 Basel e-mail:
Find out more about
the school program in Madagascar: Schule für Ampasina
So they can donate
ibbo – international blackboard
Berneggstr.28, CH-9000 St.Gallen
Raiffeisenbank St.Gallen
IBAN CH73 8000 5000 0501 2624 8 / Madagaskar
Family Horn-Razafindratsimba, Oltingerstrasse 21, 4055 Basel
owner: Niklaus Horn
Raiffeisenbank Basel, IBAN CH49 8148 6000 0045 3441 0 /