ibbo, Neapl, Schulraumförderung, Bildung, Schweiz, St.Gallen, Felix Rütsche, Brigitte Siegwart, Andreas Rütsche, Raphael Büsser, Andreas Keller, Entwicklungshilfe, Schule, schenke bildung, schaffe zukunft, Schülerförderung, Volunteers, Christoph Waser, international blackboard organisation, ibbo.ch, Infos über nepal, charityshop, dramcatcher, Spenden
The first School structure program away of Nepal. In co-operation with the relief organisation Oman & Sons Association.
Hamidu Mansaray, the president of Oman & Sons Charity Association engaged himself for a new
building in its homeland community. He looked to provide some donors in
Switzerland around for a new school building for approx. 200 children. The
school building realized by the honorary employment of the community
inhabitants. ibbo financed the roof for the new primary school in
Ndogbogoma. It was financed to our 10-year old anniversary. The school was
inaugurated ceremonialy in December 2013.
Project description (German):
reports (German):
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